Πέμπτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Students' on line meetings - November 2023

We trully enjoyed the meetings that took place on November about Kadinski, Klee and Miro. 

Code Week Activity and the Collaborative Painting

Code Week: The three painters lost pieces of their paintings! Children using Beebot map find one of the painter's pieces they chose. Art Mission: Each school finds ONLY ONE PIECE and connects it with a line to the painter it belongs to.

Goal: To create a new collaborative painting with these pieces!

This is the collaborative painting!

A beautiful collaborative painting

Another beautiful collaborative painting was created when ART MISSIONS painters collaborated online, and painted in colorillo. And here you see the result!

Kadinski collaborative painting and puzzle

Our activities and projects never stop! See our collaborative painting that we created on our on line meeting and click on the picture to play the puzlle.

Κυριακή 12 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Our magazine - 2nd edition - Keith Haring

 The second issue of our magazine came off the press!

It has a great illustration and contains, in brief :

  • Welcome Greetings
  • Info about Keith Haring
  • Our frienship Poster
  • The results of the voting
  • Our on line meeting and the activities
Take a look and admire our work by clicking on the cover of the magazine.

Animated Miro

The  animated Miro figurres were explicit! The following video shows all our talent.

Kadinski Tree

See the collaborative tree of our schools

Kadinski - Klee - Miro

 We completed all of our missions about the 3 painters and we uploaded them on the following padlet.

Έγινε με το Padlet